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Concept -
Simple, Luxe, and Daily.
Hundreds of stones you can choose. Thousands of ideas we can design.
Be simple when you wear it.
Be unique when you look into the natural stones.
You can find your favorite stone like you’ll choose your best friend.
All of items will be shipping with simple gift-wrapping as if you’ll receive a wonderful gift. We hope you could enjoy the special moment with our jewelry.
History -
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Michiko Kusakari/designer, and Toshikazu Kusakari /engineer are decided to start up a small studio for creating jewelry at Sendai-shi in Miyagi.
Now we’re one of the member of Tohoku mining industry foundation, studying minerals and non-ferrous metalworking. We are buying the finest materials and natural stones and gems from all over the world, and introduce the newest of them by our original, beautiful photographing.
営業時間:月~金 10:00~16:30
※土・日・祝日 定休
Lipatti Jewelry ©2013All Rights Reserved.