Out of child patching. Made-to-order clip

  • オーダーメイド対応可

【Custom-made clip made from cat-dog photo】
Gift for your friends gift wrapping! You will be able to see a variety of facial expressions of the inner child anywhere.

In the pocket of a stall or a bag you're using a clip easy installation.
Because the clip portion is attached nails, it does not take firm and biting into cloth product.

A rubber band that can be used for lunch-band book band per item we will put up. Please choose your color in the remarks column. The color is a "light brown", "yellow", "Light Green", "light blue", "pink".

○By making from the photograph, really like being the inner child.
Once you pass as a gift, I think always happy with. Although it is of course also for myself, pet loss person, such as who is busy with your work, you can not help always together also love ... it is pleasing when you gift to such people!

■We are donating a portion of the commodity price
When you send the goods, you can enclose a protection cat support seal. Per one envelope, milk one batch of kitten you can donate!

※Wrapping can be done in +300 yen.
※If photos are expired pet legs and ears, we will confirm the production image and synthesizing process at + 200 yen.(Please select at the delivery method)
※So that the image is finished in beautiful, bright, I will high processing saturation.
※The back pattern will change depending on the season.


The photo transmission and settlement in the message function

Production, shipping


送料 追跡 補償
定形外郵便 ¥120 - - ¥0
ギフトラッピング+送料 ¥420 - - ¥300





東京 作品数:7



  • シェル×ミモザの丸型クリアピアス/イヤリングの画像
    ★★★★★ by blue-black-sky

    ミモザ好きの姉へのプレゼント。 可愛らしいミモザとパール、貝殻のバランスが絶妙で、しかも大人が着けても大丈夫な落ち着いた色合い。 フォーマル以外の服でしたら、何にでも合いそうです。 対応もとても丁寧にして下さり、気持ちよくお買い物が出来ました。またご縁が有りましたら宜しくお願い致します。

  • Anytime, anywhere and the inner child. Strap of made-to-orderの画像


  1. iichi ハンドメイド・クラフト作品・手仕事品の通販
  2. 雑貨
  3. 携帯アクセサリーのハンドメイド・クラフト作品・手仕事品一覧
  4. Out of child patching. Made-to-order clip